Friday, August 6, 2010

barnes and noblelicious

unfortunately, the B&N location at which i am currently working is one of the "smaller" locations. meaning the only real places to sit are at the cafe/starbucks. which is playing seriously annoying music. like, dear lord. anyway, there's a little wall next to my table, and on the other side of the wall is the magazine display. directly facing the display on the other side of the wall are two of those huge starbucks'-style comfy chairs. and there is a man. in the chair on the left. and he's fast asleep. with his newspaper on his lap. he's been napping for over an hour. should i wake him? is that rude? is he loitering? am i loitering? i already bought something at starbucks this morning. i mean it might have been another location, but like, as much as i love the starbucks concept (which, i guess is not THAT much, considering its monopoly), there is just about nothing on their menu that i fancy. (did i really just use the term "fancy" as a verb? yikes.) i usually end up with a bottle of water or juice, made by someone else. i wish we had coffee bean (and tea leaf. can't forget the tea leaf). this morning, however, i ate a starbucks rice krispy treat for breakfast. i'm sorry, marshmallow square. and the barista (who was male.. baristo?) kept making fun of me because i didn't want anything to drink. he thought it was personal, that i didn't want him to make me a drink. he was so LA. and needs some game. ha. what is he doing here?
ok i'm like, at a creative freeze right now AND i wanna take a shower. stat. it's 103 degrees. and the sun makes my head hurt these days. SO MUCH freelance work all piling up on my lil shoulders right about now. esp today. when it rains, it pourrrrrrs. i wish it were raining lemonade from houston's. i heart houston's lemonade.

ps, the man is still sleeping. ppl keep staring. EEK.

apologies if you're reading this, i promise sometime in the near future i will compose a substantial post.

damnit. NOW they turn off the music. just when i'm packing up. of course of course.
oh wait. it's back.
EW the same artist. how do these people take itttttt
ADIOS muchachos

Monday, July 19, 2010


shaaalom. from dallas. it's been a while since i've written. kinda weird. i miss israel more and more every day, but for some reason i'm missing it immensely right now... more than ever. i miss the noise and the ground and the air and the smells and the sky and the people and the cats and the everything. i miss jerusalem. i miss tel aviv. i miss zichron and i miss my family. and my coworkers, who became family.

i decided to do a flickr search for some photos to catch a slight glimpse of israel's uniqueness, which one can merely only ATTEMPT to capture on film. it's impossible.

first i searched for an israeli flag. some horrifying images came back in the search. not shocking, more like expected. how sad. then i did a few more searches, for tel aviv (day and night), ben yehuda, downtown jerusalem, jerusalem day. the results for a certain search disturbed me as well, but in a different way. i'm not sure whether it's comforting or chilling or scary. i got back 453 results. halfway through skimming the thumbnails, i noticed a familiar face. a guy i grew up with in dallas is tagged in a small but nice percentage of the 453, which were posted by someone else. i keep skimming and clicking "next." more people i know. thennn something else caught my eye. my cousin. my cousin from baltimore's photostream popped up. of all the people in the world, of the 40 MILLION flickr users, of all the users posting and tagging photos, i have connections to at least five people in the 453 results. me. little nobody michelle. from dallas, texas. why is the jewish world so small? why do things like this get to me in such ways at such hours hmm? why can't more jewish people marry more jewish people and make more jews?  tis bedtime. or almost wakeup time if you are normal. i do not want to be normal. SORRRAAAYYYYY!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i heart tel aviv.

this is from march 2nd.

emmm apparently it's march. what? so yeah. tel aviv. i'm back. again. i was here on sunday. and i'll probably be back again this weekend. perhaps i should just live here. yes, perhaps i should. i'm thinking maybe i'll staff a birthright trip this summer and then come to tel aviv after. but uh, i think i should get a job. prob. yeah. i really need a job.

the people here are beautiful. there are dogs everywhere. there are different shops and restaurants and buildings and bikes and coffeehouses and ya, hair salons lining multiple multiple streets.

i'm sitting at this cafe on dizengoff where i came once for "macaroni and cheese." however, the mac and cheese turned out to be penne with portobello mushrooms and a semi cheesy balsamic vinegarette sauce - it was AMAZING!!! but like, it was not mac and cheese. this time i ordered a "toast," which actually looks like the lean cuisine french bread pizza - but two of them. it's actually ciabatta bread, which, in israel, they call "gepetta." no seriously. once i said i wanted ciabatta and they were like, "ma?" and i say, ciabatta? still blank stare. finally i'm like.... gepetta? "OH, gepetta." anyway, this is super yummy. and i wasn't exactly hungry, i'm just kinda waiting for my friend to get outta class......... oops. the israeli salad i asked for instead of a green salad was the perfect cucumber to tomato ratio...  which is probably like 65:35. and there was just enough lemon juice and salt and WOW. i really like food.
anyway, there are two guys sitting in the smoking section (yeah, which is WAY more packed than the non-smoking, which is only separated by a glass wall and two doors that are being opened every few minutes so it might as well be the smoking section...) - and they are drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. and a precious cavalier/king charles spaniel PUPPY is sitting on one of the guys' lap.

AHHHHHH why do ppl laugh at me when i try to speak hebrew.

Monday, March 1, 2010

purim sameach

why are the days passing so quickly? i do not understand in the slightest. last night i was an all-american 80s workout chick for purim. it was either that or all black with some sort of hat or headband.... the night before i was a cowgirl, duh, and stayed out until 5:30 am and def didn't go to sleep til liiiiiike 7:30. man o man. haha. SO much fun in tel aviv. even though i somehow hurt my ankle that night. but it's not swollen today and i think it's feeling better. thanks for your concern. last night i ran into a friend from iltc 2001 - pretty random but really funny...! anyways, the weather here is pretty ridic right now. the sky is finally blue! WOOO!

i wanna bake hamantaschen today. i think i'm going to. for some reason though, i'm really sleepy right now. sleep or bake, sleep or bake... or go run some very necessary errands. yes. later.

ps a ROLLADIN is opening downtown. hillel street i think. i absolutely cannot wait. even though my days are decreasing... :(

Sunday, February 21, 2010

sunday, again?

hello, again, children of israel. how is it going? i cannot believe it's already sunday. february is flying. just like ME. that's right, i've been hopping on sheiruts like a madwoman getting to tel aviv as much as humanly possible. actually, i've been thrice in the past 11 days. honestly i'm on another level there. even before i get there, actually.

the minute the sheirut (what is a sheirut, you ask? a sheirut is a "service taxi," which holds about 10 or 11 people, and the place to pick them up is literally down the street from my apt. - much more convenient than leaving from the central bus station - which is also down the street from my apt. - but 15-20 minutes instead of four to six. And this 15 to 20-minute walk takes you down the other side of yafo - which is currently a HUGE construction site (they're building a train) - the narrow "sidewalks" are packed with people and strollers and charedim and barriers, which make the "sidewalks" super narrow, so the walk can actually take a half-hour if, say, you aren't israeli-style PUSHY. after this walk, you reach the central bus station, hooray! but instead of feeling relieved you've finally made it there, past all the creepers and through all the masses, there's always a crazy "line" (we've discussed these) just to get through security JUST to enter the building to put your bag(s) through the machine, to go up stairs and find where your bus leaves, and lucky me, i ALWAYS see the bus i want pulling away just as i walk up and i get to wait in the crowd for the next one. and it smells like hot dogs and body odor. and about 20 minutes later when the bus pulls up, you walk outside to this enclosed area, which, instead of feeling and smelling "fresh air," you enter a pool, and are swimming in a sea of cigarette smoke. before you can grasp that you're swimming, people PUSH. hard. so it's like you're treading, trying to stay alive. you feel their sweat and taste their cigarettes and sometimes get hit by purses or baby bags or baby spit or (hopefully unloaded) guns worn by the soldiers, as everyone's yelling and trying to knock you down to get on the bus. once i make it through, somehow alive, i always wind up sitting next to someone coughing that HORRID throaty, mucusie cough or sneezing and wiping their nose with their arm, and if they're not sick, they're generally eating tuna fish sandwiches with onions. BUT if somehow i find the perfect seat, i'm asked to move by a girl younger than me carrying her child and stroller who needs the room more than i do. then i end up next to the crazies who like to take up not just their seat, but 75% of mine, as well. i like the window, but i don't wanna make out with it, thanks. oh tangent.)...

yeah. so i like sheiruts. they hold 10-11 people and run 24 hours (the buses do NOT). people generally give me crap for not taking buses, since "they're so much cheaper," and more environmentally-friendly, but i just don't mind spending the extra three shekel (about 75 cents) for a shorter walk, less chance of catching the latest virus, faster arrival time, and skipping out on all the mishigas listed above. so... back to the original sentence: the minute the sheirut gets out of jerusalem and i start seeing beit zayit or mevaseret, my nerves have escaped my body and an enormous wave of relaxation starts to settle in, starting at my shoulders, slowly moving all the way to my toes. magically, i feel calm. (most of the time - unless the sheirut driver is on the phone or driving 600 km per hour, which HAS been known to happen). my ipod keeps me entertained, and bam, next thing ya know, you're in tel aviv.

the weather right now is amazing. i actually got sunburned walking around last week. really sunburned. to the point where i had a white circle on my skin from where my necklace was. the water is still a bit too cold at the beach. butttttt who cares. ok i have got to clean my room. perhaps ill write another chapter later? hugs hugs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

all it took was some therapeutic baking

yo. happy, happpy valentine's day lekulam. i'm at sushi rechavia because i've found it's my favorite place to get stuff done. weird. and i'm not really getting too much done right now because there's a table next to me with 2 guys speaking english. and they're purty obnoxious, i must say.
in general, this is a really fun place to people-watch. and the food is amazing. and during the day there's pretty good service. and they never, ever try to kick you out. in fact, in israel they do not even approach you. you literally have to hound them to get them to let you pay. so european. at least that's what i hear. someday maybe i'll go. anyway. love this restaurant. even though it is absurdly overpriced. the tempura mushrooms make it all worth it.
uh so i just found out why it smells so good in here: the soup of the day is tom yum!!! which is quite possibly my favorite soup EVER. and i haven't had it in so long. argh. i have GOT to come back for that! on a sunday perhaps. although i probably wouldn't realize what it was cause the waitress is calling it marak toomya. so cute. such an interesting mix of people around here. and it's an absolutely gorgeous day. some police dudes just trotted by on horseback - no joke - and they were both talking on their cell phones. and they were kind of cute. i wish i could get myself some training to become a police officer on horseback. or just date one. no not really.  alright i think it's time to go home. i shall write more later skater. and i'll tell you all about my chocolate cheesecake cupcakes. i might've turned myself into a chocolate person. oops.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

AHEM said the tiger

my fam is amazing. we are a little crazy, but i love it that way. i guess probably every family has key words and little memories that only they understand; things that wouldn't be funny to anyone else. lately i've had some alone-time, which may or may not be causing me to talk to myself and throwing around little family-only-style inside jokes. to myself. and emailing my mom, dad and sister about it after i crack up aloud for like 4 minutes. i wish cappy had an email address.

sheshbesh is really big here. there's this area in the shuk, past the arab part and past vegetable corner, where there will always be at least 20 old men sitting playing backgammon. i kind of want to play sometime and take their money. no just kidding. but it would be kind of funny.

Monday, February 1, 2010

rabbit rabbit rabbit

i don't understand how it's february.
i'm kind of sick and my throat hurts and i've been in bed all day watching movies and eating soup.
actually the soup wasn't so tasty so i wound up just eating the soup almonds.
don't worry, they aren't really almonds.
i need juice.
and a hug.
but i shall eat a pomegranate instead.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

wish you were here

tel aviv is bomb. i reeeeeeaaaaaaally miss my mom.
currently i'm in jess's room. she's packin cause she be leavin soon.
that will make me sadder than sad. but i shall see her again someday. that'll be rad.
to be continued after i shower.

wow my poetry skills have suffered. in a major way. but now i smell like herbal essences. mmmm.
today was pretty incredible. we went to the port, which was packed with puppies and bicycles and families and little ones eating ice cream and carrying balloons and precious children wearing blue glasses that made me miss chase chazanow more than ever. there's a market there on saturdays with handmade jewelry and art and glass and stuff and we found some really awesome things. then someone sitting eating lunch says, "michELLE?" as i walk by... and i look up to find none other than jen perry's mom. yeah. my freshman/senior year roommate's beautiful mama, who still looks like a teenager, just chillin in israel after arriving from palo alto yesterday. that was random and kind of made my day! and then i ate a burger/massive lunch at agadair. afterward we sat and watched these crazy awesome people playing drums. a ton of little kids were shakin it, and a beautiful tiny little girl was dancing like a gypsy. then one of the drummer boys started making fun of my texan talk and then singled out me out to play the bongo drums for quite the crowd of crowds. he then asked me if i could design his website BUT i don't know flash. too bad. real sad. thennnn jess and i sheiruted it back and passed out from our food coma. then i skyped with mommy, ate tofu and sushi with the oranim crew and then went shopping at 11 pm. and bought a t-shirt at zara with ET on it. and waited in line for almost 15 minutes behind a religious family on a shopping spree for their maybe 12-year-old daughter.

the lines here are ridiculous. if you want to call them "lines" rather than "messes." i'm really not good with those here. if i'm waiting forever and ever, someone usually interferes and starts speaking hebrew super quickly and i'm like HEY i was here first. and if instead of waiting, i try to be the one to interrupt, they're like uh, rega, shnia, i help someone now. AAAAAAANYWAY. people are way nicer in tel aviv than in jerusalem.

tomorrow we're going to play a bit and then  i need to find a place to sit and do some work. then perhaps i'll venture back to jerusalem. maybe. 

i started watching the movie year one. it is fucking brilliant. i am going to have dreams about michael cera now. sweet dreams. while falling asleep to donavon frankenreiter. mwah.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

things that make me go hmm (...thingsthatmakemegohmm)

and other things i do not understand:
  • the hebrew translation of ladybug (the cow of moshe rabeynu?!)
  • inconsiderate beings
  • why honey is so expensive in the land of milk and honey
    (a regular-sized container of honey costs 44 shekel — that's $11. on a good day!... today it converts to $11.79)
  • the abundance of plastic bags distributed to me in the past week (i should keep count.. and the people always look at me like i'm crazy when i tell them todah, aval LO TZRICHA SAKEET!!!)
  • why i'm most often approached by randoms on the street on the days when i rush out of the apartment without even looking in the mirror
  • how negative certain people can be... sheeeesh!
  • the cuteness factor of puppies
  • why coffee bean in israel does not offer the same beverages as in america. i want a double vanilla tea latte thank you!
  • why i'm such a perfectionist!!! cause it's makin me caraaazy!
hugs and kisses... latkes and knishes yall.

boker tov, yafo street

today is the third day in a row magically waking up before 7 am. woo.

Monday, January 25, 2010

ring the alarm

once i thought i bought lime juice in israel. it turned out to be lemon juice with mint. um, yech.

once my roommate told me demerara sugar was brown sugar. demerara sugar turned out to be raw, coarse cane sugar. my oatmeal cookies did not taste like mom's.

once, two nights ago, i saw someone in a restaurant packing up food to-go. then she reached in and ate two of the person's french fries. then three more. then i was glad they weren't mine.

once i hated fish. it turns out i don't. especially when it's raw.

once i had a fish. a goldfish named buttercup. but then he died on my 10th birthday before i found out our house was burning down.

once, yesterday, i turned 25 and-a-half. and then i realized technically (though not in any way measurable behaviorally) i am getting kind of old. and then i decided i need to start figuring out what the hell i'm doing here and stop waiting for someone to come around and help me figure myself out. and then i went outside.

once, last night, i went outside. and it was pouring rain. and i had no umbrella. and i had no hoodie. and i was carrying things. and it was pouring. and i was drenched. and i laughed. and no less than seven minutes later, a taxi came to my rescue and saved me from walking the mile home. and the driver, of course, was about my age and had to be the hottest israeli taxi driver to ever exist. and of course he managed to look me in the eye and flash a sympathetic smile before breaking into hysterics as i opened the door and got in, covered in rain. and then i got home. and my roommate asked me if i had taken a shower with my clothes on. and then i looked in the mirror. and then i laughed. and then i touched my curls, watching in the mirror and realizing my 2- and 3-year-old toddler fro is still with me. and that my hair is just longer. diaper upgraded. and my shoes fit.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


m&m cookies. and white-chocolate chip cookies. smells like a sugarheadache! and like deliciousness. i like deliciousness.

last night i went to a shabbat dinner at my friend molly's. there were about 30 people there and i met some really fun new friends. molly's husband made 200 jello shots. no lies. and the precious little one was super happy and the dog is simply AMAZING. i really wanted to take him home with me! there was dessert. and then, i WALKED the 2 miles home. katamon is bumpin on shabbat. who knew?

the dinner was great but i was kind of supposed to be with my cousins so i was thinking about them the whole time. it has been too long!!!

i need earplugs. the roomies are watching something again and it's SUPER loud and i have issues with noise. AAAAAH

Friday, January 22, 2010


why is it so cold in my room? omg. i think my toes have turned into icicles. and i'm wearing socks. and lots of clothes. and my comforter. laaaaammmmaaaaaaaaaa?

my day started out like, absolutely beautifully. i had a missed call from my dad and a new voicemail. and his voice says, "shaalommm. shalom shalom. it's sim shalom? no, it's shabbat shalomtime. yeah. so have fun at the shuk. goodbye."


Thursday, January 21, 2010

thursdays are my favorite.

especially when there are yummy pastries waiting for me at my favorite bakery. it's kind of embarrassing. i walk in, and the girl behind the counter (yifat, we are tight, obviously) is like, "guesss whaaatttt? we still have cheese danish today!" and i'm like YES! with a "YUSSSS" hand-motion that she proceeds to imitate. she's great. and she laughs at me and my obsession with the bakery she works at. i start wondering sometimes how i'm not obese after all the deliciousness i've consumed from said bakery. maybe it's the two-mile walkage on a daily basis. maybe it's cause i still can't gain weight. maybe it's cause i'm supposed to double the amount of deliciousness. juuuuust kidding. ugh. that would be sick. speaking of sick, in one of my sophomore english classes, there was this girl who worked at cold stone. and she said this woman used to come in every SINGLE day and it broke her heart cause she watched the woman gain weight. not a few pounds. like, a ton of weight. then one day the woman was like, i'm on this diet plan - do you guys have nutritional information printed anywhere? AH how ridiculously sad.

moving along. i had so much fun with jess in TA! her roommate has already gone home, so i had my own bed and side of the room and everything. slumber partay!! we went to this bar called shivim paelim (70 elephants?) - it's like an underground bar that's trying to be all swanky and cool, and really it's just kind of cigarette/cancer-filled, steamy, schwetty and overpriced. but the decor is nice. and there's SO MUCH wine when you walk in. it's like wine heaven. for winos. i'm not a wino. i'm a wine-bug. at least, that's what my dad calls me.

anyway, i was in TA for a dinner thing at Lillit (AMAZING restaurant that employs troubled teens in the kitchen. pretty awesome. it's really nice - romantic and elegant ambiance and deeeelicious food. (it's kosher, no dairy, which is sad but when there's wine who cares?)... usually pareve desserts make me cringe, but they had these little cookie things sitting on a lemon cream-like substance and they were like lil bites of lemon paradise. i hadn't been to Lillit since the ROI staff dinner on one of the nights of the conference. that night was tremendous. i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life. (at dinner, and then again at the ROI partay where Michelle Collins of Vh1 had nearly every person in the room on the floor. then the next day we sat by the pool at the hotel during our 20 minutes of free time and discussed our lives, and men, and in telling her about a certain someone we went over reasons that women go for lame guys. i was like, yeah, he might be an asshole, but he's MY asshole... then we decided someday i shall write a book called "he's my asshole." oh i miss her.)

k so that was a tangent, huh? back to tel aviv. jess and i used our superpowers of persuasion to convince our friend sam to accompany us for the evening's adventure(s). he is great. he's from california. he entertains me online sometimes. and i know his sister from aephi national.. HA!  anyway, after 70 elephants got boring, sam suggested pancakes. omg. amazing pancakes. and the place was stocked with books. like, they had a light in the attic. the only poem i know by heart in that one is about the polar bear in the frigiditydaire! jess and sam were a bit perplexed as to how i knew this and could recite such a thing after intoxication but parkhill speech club, i shall never forget thee.

the sheirut ride back to jtown the next day is another story. it was my first time being surrounded by arabs. i'm not gonna go into it right now. gotta git back to workin. bye bye now ya'll. neshikot!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

happy birthday candace!!!

love you. so much.


just got home from meeting my friend mike and his birthright group. the people on his trip were pretty frickin hilarious. hysterical. ridonkulous. wow wow wow. anyway, the bar they went to was the bar my birthright trip took us to. kinda lame. but it was crazy deja vu. like insane actually. some of the girls on his trip were wearing the most ridiculous dresses i might have ever seen.  (wow i feel like that sentence needs a texas accent in order to come across correctly.) anyways, luckily the bar is like, four minutes from my apartment. however, a four-minute walk can bring a lot of things. such as, two american yeshiva boys making seriously crude remarks as i walked by. they probably thought i didn't understand english. but whaddaya know sherlock. i do. pretty gosh darn well actually. what idiots. like, i'm not going to go into what they said. but let's just agree that it was extremely outta line and not okay by any means. i kind of REALLY wanted to turn around and say something back. i almost did. but i am prettttttttttttyyyyyy tipsy, so i don't think it would have been a wise idea cause i might have gotten violent. i'm just pissed cause i had a really fun night other than that four-minute walk home. ugh. americans.  thanks for ruining my night.

ya i don't think americans are worse than israelis (usually). and i thank hashem every day for my ipod so i don't have to hear the things the israelis are saying as i walk by. at least with them i can't really understand what on earth they're trying to say. but these americans. wtf. one was literally walking with a cane and had tape around the middle of his thick black-rimmed glasses. like, you're not cool. you're not funny. you're not attractive. i am guessing his name was probably gunther or something. maybe hershel. or buddy. or mac. or carl. carleton? no i think carleton's far too cool of a name for such a douchebag. i hate douchebags. they're just plain douchey. and usually selfish and lazy and negative and perhaps on the chunky side. except one douchebag i know. he's not chunky. why do people turn into such awful human beings? what's in it for them? HUH!?

ok, my rant is done. i think. i drank too much tuborg this evening. it was only 10 shekels for a massive one, and then i got another one. oops. anyway, i'm just saying, americans should think before they speak. cause sometimes i'm embarrassed to associate with them. i just think our country has a reputation. and i think people should care more about that. i think i should count sheep. in yiddish. how does one count in yiddish?

last night i watched i love you man. i have been debating for the past 24 hours: paul rudd, or jason segal? they're both just so phenomenally genius. i can't decide. there's no way. paul rudd hasn't aged since like, clueless. i want what he's having. unless it's two obnoxious yeshiva boys. then i'd pass. i'm really going to try not to let it get to me and stay one happy, happy grrl :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

whistle while you work

i live eleven floors up. on the eleventh floor. (this makes sense.)

how is it possible that i can hear someone outside, whistling while walking past my building? HUH? once i heard a full conversation by some birthright participants. awful, horrendous new york accents on those girls. i could literally hear them complaining eleven stories up. i don't get it.

in other news, my challah is rising. i almost cut the recipe by half (i have never, ever used so much flour in my LIFE). but i just went ahead and made it all figuring i'll freeze some for next week. i just hope it's good... cause it's too late now. i've never made challah before. i mean maybe we made it in preschool or something. god how i miss solomon schechter academy. or whatever it's called now. i've been telling myself i would make challah for months now. actually maybe longer. and i'm always too exhausted after going out to the shuk on fridays to do it. but today is the day!! i'll let you know how it turns out.

it's so nice and peaceful right now. besides the sounds outside. AH. shabbat shalom chaverim.

Thursday, January 14, 2010



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

today i

felt like i had cabin fever. i stayed at work last night til 10:30. then today my coworkers left me for the second day in a row. good cause i got shit done, sad cause i wasnt invited to their meetings. ya man. i feel bad for me too. so last night. 10:30. then i met my friend rachel for a waffle. of courrrrrse the place was out of apples and cinnamon, and of courrrrsssseeee they only had one banana. so we each got half with banana. the guys that work there were hilarious and super entertaining and taught us a few things in hebrew, like how to say "zipper." (exhilarating no?)... anyway, they thought i was weird because i didn't want my banana-whipped-cream waffle to also have maple syrup on it. and i didn't want maple syrup on my ice cream. not that i ate the ice cream.

i can't believe it's been a year.

so today i left work around 6 pm. and almost went to go eat sushi by myself but came home instead and took the most amazing shower E V E RRRRRR. and nowwwwww i'm craving guadalajara grill in tucson. i want tableside salsa and mariachis to play "la cucaracha" for me while i down salsa, a spinach quesadilla and coronas with LIME. oh limes.  ok time to dry the hair. then work or go out? hmmmmmmmm.

Monday, January 11, 2010


on the way to work, i felt my heart break. like, felt. it. shatter. not because it's the last monday i'll be walking to work *tear* but cause my eyes noticed literally one of the saddest things they have ever seen up-close. ok, i'm not a cat person. i just saw the smallest, skinniest black cat with the most piercing green eyes - not yellow-green, like, kelly green. bright kelly green. our eyes met. now, the skinniness alone was enough to make people stare. almost everyone walking by glanced at this poor little thing. the cat was not a kitten, but i don't think she was an adult-cat, either. she was probably in the middle, like a teenager but in cat form. regardless of age, she was a tiny little skeleton. anyway, i look closer, and the poor little thing can barely walk, because her back left leg is deformed. it almost looked as though she was wearing a boot, a cast iron boot that she could barely lift. i was horrified and started looking around my bag to see if i had cereal, a cracker, anything to feed her. but all i had was a massive container of yogurt. i of course was running late to work because i just don't do mornings. but it was ok, cause when i got to work, nobody was in yet, either. ha. anyways, i put out a little bit of strawberry yogurt and i hope she ate it. i will never forget that little face or that boney little frame. i hate starting the day with a broken heart. ugh.

to promote breast cancer awareness, there's this popularity in posting what color bra you're wearing as your facebook status. it's kinda funny cause guys have gotten into it, too. sometimes they wear green bras. sometimes translucent. sometimes invisible. sometimes commando. i was thinking i should jump in today with my status as red-and-black leopard print.  no one would be able to guess. HA.

ok so for lunch today (man i talk about food a lot) i ate nachos. ONLY because the tortillas i bought expired in NOVEMBER. not ok. like, why is there expired food on the shelf? jesus. hubert. christ. i wanna go to the beach. wanna come?!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY E-LAINE! i love you. to the moon and back. and beyond. 

Sunday, January 10, 2010

so cute

for real!!!!!!
in other news, i have so much work to do. i got zero minutes of sleep AAAAAAND it's already almost 9, and i have more to do. this is a bummer. i wanna go out and play!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

it's not oh-ten. it's twenty ten. two-thousand ten. if you will.

i will. em... yes... i was quite a hungry hippo. starvin marvin. but then i ate brie for dinner. is that normal? i'm a bit distraught. this week is going to be bigtime crazy and super emotional. i'm actually really nervous about making it through the week alive. chellllp. i wish i had brett and elaine and emily and emily and MOM. duh. and even dad, too. :P

the other night was a massive 10-year anniversary celebration for birthright... i mean it was fun, buttttttt all three people i wanted to bring had other plans. tear. however, an awesome texan named eli wound up being my date. and she's hotter than the ones who declined- especially cause i got to dress her in my clothes... hahah. she totally pulled off a black velvet dress, cardigan and plaid scarf with grunge pants and green converse. she called her look "mismatched barbie" but i came up with another label that i currently cannot remember. regardless, the only alcohol on site was sangria. hot, boiling sangria. i don't drink red wine in fear of migraines, but i REALLY needed a drink (mingling with billionaires makes me nervous)... luckily i did not get a migraine. the night turned out to be really fun, even though later on i was burned by an explosive coal sitting atop a hookah and wound up misbehaving (oops). the next morning, i went to fruit bar and ate the most delicious frozen yogurt ever. then headed back here to have lunch with ben, jon and danielle. UM, yum. this place by my apt. is quite delicious. and i'm supposed to help translate the menu/design the menu this week!? WOO! anyway, i wish danielle would come back, i kind of miss her already. i miss rachel too. i seriously need some girl friends.

ok there is far too much work to be done to be writing nonsense or complaining right now. although i'd like to watch a movie or go outside and play/drink/meet up with some people who are having fun while i'm in my room on my computer. BUT work hard, play hard? i need a hugggggggg.

Friday, January 8, 2010

shabbat shalom ya'll

i miss cappuccino every second of the day. i heart lemonade. i need to clean my room. i'm cold. i need to recycle the 1,000 bottles laying around the apartment. my roommate is crazy.  tomorrow might be tel aviv day? i want to go to the beach. now. right now. i'm yawning. it's 10 pm. what. the. fuck. ok i'm going to call people to see if they'll hang out with me...... orrrrrrrrrrr i shall work work work til the sun comes up. yar. ps  im fwozen. and full. i think people who lie about things just to make you feel better kind of suck. hardcore. it's just not nice or necessary. i am so much happier here. im gonna miss this place more than i thought. kisses.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


sad. crazy. exciting. WHAT!

Monday, January 4, 2010

hoookayyy. whoa.

so it finally hit me tonight. i was working late, and around 8:30 pm i realized i haven't stayed this late by myself at the office since i got here and had nowhere to go. nowhere to stay. no home to call my own. i was extremely delirious because i have not slept for even a moment since saturday morning around 11 am, which was after the powernap from being woken up at 9, when i hadn't gone to sleep until 4:30 am. i'm really delirious. did i say that already? so i was looking around the office, thinking, how is it january? how is next week the last week i'll even be able to come to that office and stay there til g-d knows when all by myself. what am i gonna do with my life?

i kept working and tried not to get sad or distraught or bitter... and then i found a new website. see i was looking for a certain image to use, and i finally found what i wanted, and kept clicking around. and i found a website that advertises job openings in custom invitation companies, for greeting card designers, etc. that was really exciting. then i ate cereal and strawberries that miraculously had not yet molded. now it's bedtime. night night in the big city..... 

Sunday, January 3, 2010



Friday, January 1, 2010


YO! so this one's gonna be a little jumbled becauuuuuse that's how i'm feelin as of late. sorry bout that. so i'm actually not going to be writing about everything as of yet but i'll get to it. ok here are the main points.

a. it's gonna be 2010. what the F U C K.
b. i am making snickerdoodles but have no cream of tartar, which sucks cause they're gonna taste different than usual.
c.  i just went to the most random store. i thought it was a drugstore. i needed hairspray. went in to get some and it's like, half drugstore half grocery that sells towels, undies and socks and the most random stuff ever. i walked out with yogurt, flour, hairspray and milk. ???
d. i hate when people in line touch your stuff. that's not ok.
e. i have so much to do i wanna cry.
f. my job is supposed to end on jan. 14th. WHAT.
g. i have so much to do i wanna cry.
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