Sunday, February 14, 2010

all it took was some therapeutic baking

yo. happy, happpy valentine's day lekulam. i'm at sushi rechavia because i've found it's my favorite place to get stuff done. weird. and i'm not really getting too much done right now because there's a table next to me with 2 guys speaking english. and they're purty obnoxious, i must say.
in general, this is a really fun place to people-watch. and the food is amazing. and during the day there's pretty good service. and they never, ever try to kick you out. in fact, in israel they do not even approach you. you literally have to hound them to get them to let you pay. so european. at least that's what i hear. someday maybe i'll go. anyway. love this restaurant. even though it is absurdly overpriced. the tempura mushrooms make it all worth it.
uh so i just found out why it smells so good in here: the soup of the day is tom yum!!! which is quite possibly my favorite soup EVER. and i haven't had it in so long. argh. i have GOT to come back for that! on a sunday perhaps. although i probably wouldn't realize what it was cause the waitress is calling it marak toomya. so cute. such an interesting mix of people around here. and it's an absolutely gorgeous day. some police dudes just trotted by on horseback - no joke - and they were both talking on their cell phones. and they were kind of cute. i wish i could get myself some training to become a police officer on horseback. or just date one. no not really.  alright i think it's time to go home. i shall write more later skater. and i'll tell you all about my chocolate cheesecake cupcakes. i might've turned myself into a chocolate person. oops.

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