Monday, January 11, 2010


on the way to work, i felt my heart break. like, felt. it. shatter. not because it's the last monday i'll be walking to work *tear* but cause my eyes noticed literally one of the saddest things they have ever seen up-close. ok, i'm not a cat person. i just saw the smallest, skinniest black cat with the most piercing green eyes - not yellow-green, like, kelly green. bright kelly green. our eyes met. now, the skinniness alone was enough to make people stare. almost everyone walking by glanced at this poor little thing. the cat was not a kitten, but i don't think she was an adult-cat, either. she was probably in the middle, like a teenager but in cat form. regardless of age, she was a tiny little skeleton. anyway, i look closer, and the poor little thing can barely walk, because her back left leg is deformed. it almost looked as though she was wearing a boot, a cast iron boot that she could barely lift. i was horrified and started looking around my bag to see if i had cereal, a cracker, anything to feed her. but all i had was a massive container of yogurt. i of course was running late to work because i just don't do mornings. but it was ok, cause when i got to work, nobody was in yet, either. ha. anyways, i put out a little bit of strawberry yogurt and i hope she ate it. i will never forget that little face or that boney little frame. i hate starting the day with a broken heart. ugh.

to promote breast cancer awareness, there's this popularity in posting what color bra you're wearing as your facebook status. it's kinda funny cause guys have gotten into it, too. sometimes they wear green bras. sometimes translucent. sometimes invisible. sometimes commando. i was thinking i should jump in today with my status as red-and-black leopard print.  no one would be able to guess. HA.

ok so for lunch today (man i talk about food a lot) i ate nachos. ONLY because the tortillas i bought expired in NOVEMBER. not ok. like, why is there expired food on the shelf? jesus. hubert. christ. i wanna go to the beach. wanna come?!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY E-LAINE! i love you. to the moon and back. and beyond. 

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