Sunday, January 17, 2010


just got home from meeting my friend mike and his birthright group. the people on his trip were pretty frickin hilarious. hysterical. ridonkulous. wow wow wow. anyway, the bar they went to was the bar my birthright trip took us to. kinda lame. but it was crazy deja vu. like insane actually. some of the girls on his trip were wearing the most ridiculous dresses i might have ever seen.  (wow i feel like that sentence needs a texas accent in order to come across correctly.) anyways, luckily the bar is like, four minutes from my apartment. however, a four-minute walk can bring a lot of things. such as, two american yeshiva boys making seriously crude remarks as i walked by. they probably thought i didn't understand english. but whaddaya know sherlock. i do. pretty gosh darn well actually. what idiots. like, i'm not going to go into what they said. but let's just agree that it was extremely outta line and not okay by any means. i kind of REALLY wanted to turn around and say something back. i almost did. but i am prettttttttttttyyyyyy tipsy, so i don't think it would have been a wise idea cause i might have gotten violent. i'm just pissed cause i had a really fun night other than that four-minute walk home. ugh. americans.  thanks for ruining my night.

ya i don't think americans are worse than israelis (usually). and i thank hashem every day for my ipod so i don't have to hear the things the israelis are saying as i walk by. at least with them i can't really understand what on earth they're trying to say. but these americans. wtf. one was literally walking with a cane and had tape around the middle of his thick black-rimmed glasses. like, you're not cool. you're not funny. you're not attractive. i am guessing his name was probably gunther or something. maybe hershel. or buddy. or mac. or carl. carleton? no i think carleton's far too cool of a name for such a douchebag. i hate douchebags. they're just plain douchey. and usually selfish and lazy and negative and perhaps on the chunky side. except one douchebag i know. he's not chunky. why do people turn into such awful human beings? what's in it for them? HUH!?

ok, my rant is done. i think. i drank too much tuborg this evening. it was only 10 shekels for a massive one, and then i got another one. oops. anyway, i'm just saying, americans should think before they speak. cause sometimes i'm embarrassed to associate with them. i just think our country has a reputation. and i think people should care more about that. i think i should count sheep. in yiddish. how does one count in yiddish?

last night i watched i love you man. i have been debating for the past 24 hours: paul rudd, or jason segal? they're both just so phenomenally genius. i can't decide. there's no way. paul rudd hasn't aged since like, clueless. i want what he's having. unless it's two obnoxious yeshiva boys. then i'd pass. i'm really going to try not to let it get to me and stay one happy, happy grrl :)

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