Friday, January 15, 2010

whistle while you work

i live eleven floors up. on the eleventh floor. (this makes sense.)

how is it possible that i can hear someone outside, whistling while walking past my building? HUH? once i heard a full conversation by some birthright participants. awful, horrendous new york accents on those girls. i could literally hear them complaining eleven stories up. i don't get it.

in other news, my challah is rising. i almost cut the recipe by half (i have never, ever used so much flour in my LIFE). but i just went ahead and made it all figuring i'll freeze some for next week. i just hope it's good... cause it's too late now. i've never made challah before. i mean maybe we made it in preschool or something. god how i miss solomon schechter academy. or whatever it's called now. i've been telling myself i would make challah for months now. actually maybe longer. and i'm always too exhausted after going out to the shuk on fridays to do it. but today is the day!! i'll let you know how it turns out.

it's so nice and peaceful right now. besides the sounds outside. AH. shabbat shalom chaverim.

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