Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i heart tel aviv.

this is from march 2nd.

emmm apparently it's march. what? so yeah. tel aviv. i'm back. again. i was here on sunday. and i'll probably be back again this weekend. perhaps i should just live here. yes, perhaps i should. i'm thinking maybe i'll staff a birthright trip this summer and then come to tel aviv after. but uh, i think i should get a job. prob. yeah. i really need a job.

the people here are beautiful. there are dogs everywhere. there are different shops and restaurants and buildings and bikes and coffeehouses and ya, hair salons lining multiple multiple streets.

i'm sitting at this cafe on dizengoff where i came once for "macaroni and cheese." however, the mac and cheese turned out to be penne with portobello mushrooms and a semi cheesy balsamic vinegarette sauce - it was AMAZING!!! but like, it was not mac and cheese. this time i ordered a "toast," which actually looks like the lean cuisine french bread pizza - but two of them. it's actually ciabatta bread, which, in israel, they call "gepetta." no seriously. once i said i wanted ciabatta and they were like, "ma?" and i say, ciabatta? still blank stare. finally i'm like.... gepetta? "OH, gepetta." anyway, this is super yummy. and i wasn't exactly hungry, i'm just kinda waiting for my friend to get outta class......... oops. the israeli salad i asked for instead of a green salad was the perfect cucumber to tomato ratio...  which is probably like 65:35. and there was just enough lemon juice and salt and WOW. i really like food.
anyway, there are two guys sitting in the smoking section (yeah, which is WAY more packed than the non-smoking, which is only separated by a glass wall and two doors that are being opened every few minutes so it might as well be the smoking section...) - and they are drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. and a precious cavalier/king charles spaniel PUPPY is sitting on one of the guys' lap.

AHHHHHH why do ppl laugh at me when i try to speak hebrew.

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