Thursday, January 21, 2010

thursdays are my favorite.

especially when there are yummy pastries waiting for me at my favorite bakery. it's kind of embarrassing. i walk in, and the girl behind the counter (yifat, we are tight, obviously) is like, "guesss whaaatttt? we still have cheese danish today!" and i'm like YES! with a "YUSSSS" hand-motion that she proceeds to imitate. she's great. and she laughs at me and my obsession with the bakery she works at. i start wondering sometimes how i'm not obese after all the deliciousness i've consumed from said bakery. maybe it's the two-mile walkage on a daily basis. maybe it's cause i still can't gain weight. maybe it's cause i'm supposed to double the amount of deliciousness. juuuuust kidding. ugh. that would be sick. speaking of sick, in one of my sophomore english classes, there was this girl who worked at cold stone. and she said this woman used to come in every SINGLE day and it broke her heart cause she watched the woman gain weight. not a few pounds. like, a ton of weight. then one day the woman was like, i'm on this diet plan - do you guys have nutritional information printed anywhere? AH how ridiculously sad.

moving along. i had so much fun with jess in TA! her roommate has already gone home, so i had my own bed and side of the room and everything. slumber partay!! we went to this bar called shivim paelim (70 elephants?) - it's like an underground bar that's trying to be all swanky and cool, and really it's just kind of cigarette/cancer-filled, steamy, schwetty and overpriced. but the decor is nice. and there's SO MUCH wine when you walk in. it's like wine heaven. for winos. i'm not a wino. i'm a wine-bug. at least, that's what my dad calls me.

anyway, i was in TA for a dinner thing at Lillit (AMAZING restaurant that employs troubled teens in the kitchen. pretty awesome. it's really nice - romantic and elegant ambiance and deeeelicious food. (it's kosher, no dairy, which is sad but when there's wine who cares?)... usually pareve desserts make me cringe, but they had these little cookie things sitting on a lemon cream-like substance and they were like lil bites of lemon paradise. i hadn't been to Lillit since the ROI staff dinner on one of the nights of the conference. that night was tremendous. i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life. (at dinner, and then again at the ROI partay where Michelle Collins of Vh1 had nearly every person in the room on the floor. then the next day we sat by the pool at the hotel during our 20 minutes of free time and discussed our lives, and men, and in telling her about a certain someone we went over reasons that women go for lame guys. i was like, yeah, he might be an asshole, but he's MY asshole... then we decided someday i shall write a book called "he's my asshole." oh i miss her.)

k so that was a tangent, huh? back to tel aviv. jess and i used our superpowers of persuasion to convince our friend sam to accompany us for the evening's adventure(s). he is great. he's from california. he entertains me online sometimes. and i know his sister from aephi national.. HA!  anyway, after 70 elephants got boring, sam suggested pancakes. omg. amazing pancakes. and the place was stocked with books. like, they had a light in the attic. the only poem i know by heart in that one is about the polar bear in the frigiditydaire! jess and sam were a bit perplexed as to how i knew this and could recite such a thing after intoxication but parkhill speech club, i shall never forget thee.

the sheirut ride back to jtown the next day is another story. it was my first time being surrounded by arabs. i'm not gonna go into it right now. gotta git back to workin. bye bye now ya'll. neshikot!


  1. Michelle! Your blog is great. (It's Michelle Collins, ie Other Michelle.) That WAS a great day, I think it was like 5000 degrees that day by the pool, talking about our assholes. I have many more to update you on. Never forget. Miss you!! xo

  2. ps my comment makes me look like my own asshole as, clearly, it's me. Annnnnyways ok xoxo bye.


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