Sunday, January 31, 2010

wish you were here

tel aviv is bomb. i reeeeeeaaaaaaally miss my mom.
currently i'm in jess's room. she's packin cause she be leavin soon.
that will make me sadder than sad. but i shall see her again someday. that'll be rad.
to be continued after i shower.

wow my poetry skills have suffered. in a major way. but now i smell like herbal essences. mmmm.
today was pretty incredible. we went to the port, which was packed with puppies and bicycles and families and little ones eating ice cream and carrying balloons and precious children wearing blue glasses that made me miss chase chazanow more than ever. there's a market there on saturdays with handmade jewelry and art and glass and stuff and we found some really awesome things. then someone sitting eating lunch says, "michELLE?" as i walk by... and i look up to find none other than jen perry's mom. yeah. my freshman/senior year roommate's beautiful mama, who still looks like a teenager, just chillin in israel after arriving from palo alto yesterday. that was random and kind of made my day! and then i ate a burger/massive lunch at agadair. afterward we sat and watched these crazy awesome people playing drums. a ton of little kids were shakin it, and a beautiful tiny little girl was dancing like a gypsy. then one of the drummer boys started making fun of my texan talk and then singled out me out to play the bongo drums for quite the crowd of crowds. he then asked me if i could design his website BUT i don't know flash. too bad. real sad. thennnn jess and i sheiruted it back and passed out from our food coma. then i skyped with mommy, ate tofu and sushi with the oranim crew and then went shopping at 11 pm. and bought a t-shirt at zara with ET on it. and waited in line for almost 15 minutes behind a religious family on a shopping spree for their maybe 12-year-old daughter.

the lines here are ridiculous. if you want to call them "lines" rather than "messes." i'm really not good with those here. if i'm waiting forever and ever, someone usually interferes and starts speaking hebrew super quickly and i'm like HEY i was here first. and if instead of waiting, i try to be the one to interrupt, they're like uh, rega, shnia, i help someone now. AAAAAAANYWAY. people are way nicer in tel aviv than in jerusalem.

tomorrow we're going to play a bit and then  i need to find a place to sit and do some work. then perhaps i'll venture back to jerusalem. maybe. 

i started watching the movie year one. it is fucking brilliant. i am going to have dreams about michael cera now. sweet dreams. while falling asleep to donavon frankenreiter. mwah.

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