Monday, July 19, 2010


shaaalom. from dallas. it's been a while since i've written. kinda weird. i miss israel more and more every day, but for some reason i'm missing it immensely right now... more than ever. i miss the noise and the ground and the air and the smells and the sky and the people and the cats and the everything. i miss jerusalem. i miss tel aviv. i miss zichron and i miss my family. and my coworkers, who became family.

i decided to do a flickr search for some photos to catch a slight glimpse of israel's uniqueness, which one can merely only ATTEMPT to capture on film. it's impossible.

first i searched for an israeli flag. some horrifying images came back in the search. not shocking, more like expected. how sad. then i did a few more searches, for tel aviv (day and night), ben yehuda, downtown jerusalem, jerusalem day. the results for a certain search disturbed me as well, but in a different way. i'm not sure whether it's comforting or chilling or scary. i got back 453 results. halfway through skimming the thumbnails, i noticed a familiar face. a guy i grew up with in dallas is tagged in a small but nice percentage of the 453, which were posted by someone else. i keep skimming and clicking "next." more people i know. thennn something else caught my eye. my cousin. my cousin from baltimore's photostream popped up. of all the people in the world, of the 40 MILLION flickr users, of all the users posting and tagging photos, i have connections to at least five people in the 453 results. me. little nobody michelle. from dallas, texas. why is the jewish world so small? why do things like this get to me in such ways at such hours hmm? why can't more jewish people marry more jewish people and make more jews?  tis bedtime. or almost wakeup time if you are normal. i do not want to be normal. SORRRAAAYYYYY!

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