Friday, August 6, 2010

barnes and noblelicious

unfortunately, the B&N location at which i am currently working is one of the "smaller" locations. meaning the only real places to sit are at the cafe/starbucks. which is playing seriously annoying music. like, dear lord. anyway, there's a little wall next to my table, and on the other side of the wall is the magazine display. directly facing the display on the other side of the wall are two of those huge starbucks'-style comfy chairs. and there is a man. in the chair on the left. and he's fast asleep. with his newspaper on his lap. he's been napping for over an hour. should i wake him? is that rude? is he loitering? am i loitering? i already bought something at starbucks this morning. i mean it might have been another location, but like, as much as i love the starbucks concept (which, i guess is not THAT much, considering its monopoly), there is just about nothing on their menu that i fancy. (did i really just use the term "fancy" as a verb? yikes.) i usually end up with a bottle of water or juice, made by someone else. i wish we had coffee bean (and tea leaf. can't forget the tea leaf). this morning, however, i ate a starbucks rice krispy treat for breakfast. i'm sorry, marshmallow square. and the barista (who was male.. baristo?) kept making fun of me because i didn't want anything to drink. he thought it was personal, that i didn't want him to make me a drink. he was so LA. and needs some game. ha. what is he doing here?
ok i'm like, at a creative freeze right now AND i wanna take a shower. stat. it's 103 degrees. and the sun makes my head hurt these days. SO MUCH freelance work all piling up on my lil shoulders right about now. esp today. when it rains, it pourrrrrrs. i wish it were raining lemonade from houston's. i heart houston's lemonade.

ps, the man is still sleeping. ppl keep staring. EEK.

apologies if you're reading this, i promise sometime in the near future i will compose a substantial post.

damnit. NOW they turn off the music. just when i'm packing up. of course of course.
oh wait. it's back.
EW the same artist. how do these people take itttttt
ADIOS muchachos

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