Thursday, December 24, 2009


beto's dog's name is kranky. i tried to hold her once but she was scared and didnt understand english. kinda like how i feel right now with hebrew. and i think im way more cranky than the real kranky. i need sleep and cant :(

Monday, December 21, 2009

friends at last?

when people ask me how i like living in jerusalem, i say that i love israel, but living in jerusalem is tough. why? i have no friends. i'm not religious. my hebrew sucks. it's kinda dirty. it's a cool experience, but i wish i lived somewhere else. however, now that i've been here exactly one year and four days, i can say i have a few friends. in general, the ones i do have are not ones i feel crazy-close with and talk to/text/call every day. i'm friends with my roommate and his gf but you can only be the third wheel every so often, ya know? plus it's good to have separate friends (which is easy, since jon is like, social king of the century, and i'm like, little miss outcast). i do have a couple friends i meet for lunches or dinners or drinks, which is always really fun! but mostly these friends of mine are religious, so it's difficult on the weekends while they're shabbating it up and i'm like, writing, showering, cooking, playing, typing, working, baking, etc.... when they are avoiding all those action verbs and are instead resting...praying..... eating a meaty shabbat meal somewhere if u will... (i realllllllllyyyyyy tried doing the shabbat-meal-going for a while. but when you rarely eat meat, you don't eat lettuce or most salad-type things, there's only so much challah you can eat). anyway, the point of this post is that very exciting people are around.

friday at the shuk i ran into a bunch of people i know - some from home, some from here. it's just comforting to see familiar faces in all the friday shuk madness that can sometimes cause my thoughts to be borderline-suicidal. ok i'm exaggerating :) but i LOVED seeing them!!! yesterday i went to see illana, who is here on birthright. it had been five or six years since we'd last seen each other. i met her at her hotel and got to meet the other participants and her trip leaders, and it was really comforting and almost bittersweet to know that 365 days before, i was at the exact same location (one hotel over) with the rest of the amazing 17 crew. i got over it (at least i pretended), and illana and i caught up and decided we will pick a city and become roommates. then i met some others who knew some of my faves in dallas quite well, which was exciting :) the trip leader invited me to go to dinner with them, and it's not like i had anything else to do....... hahah so.... the bus was taking the trip to emek refaim for a set amount of time and the participants could choose any restaurant they wanted. i obviously went straight for caffit cause it's my fave, and i never get to go cause i have noone to go with!!! so illana and i walk in to caffit, and about 16 others followed. it was SO much fun!!!!! i was really depressed when i had to leave them and go back to my own little world haha. wow. i took a taxi home and the guy kept saying he remembered me, but i def didn't remember him (and i have a pretty shockingly accurate memory). he asked "how long you are here?" and i said, "shalosh chodashim".... i was pretty sure he wanted to know how long i'd been here so far, but whenever i answer honestly they yell at me for not speaking Hebrew. once i answered in Hebrew, though, the dude spoke ONLY hebrew the rest of the way until i got out of the cab. but i managed to have a conversation - responding in hebrew- meaning i actually understood what he was saying. major progress :)

then tonight i got a call from my long lost friend (and iltc'er) ari, who i ran into at kol nidre services but hadn't seen since. he was in jerusalem, and i just got home from meeting up with him and a bunch of his friends. they were at nadin's (which i loathe)... buttttt i'd go anywhere for ari. he's a sweetheart. i'll never forget, he was the first iltc participant i met in 2002 the night matt and i arrived to perlman. OH the memories!

what's even more exciting is that in the next few days, i'll get to see 2 more awesome people from the past, and after that, 3 more! it's just so weird how much fun i can be having now that it's almost time to go. but i hear sometimes that's how it works. it's just crazy to me how greatly others can impact our time here - for the good and the not-so-good. regardless, i'm feelin very, very blessed.

some random things:

i'm STILL super-addicted to texttwist and need rehab.
i want a puppy.
i still want a best friend here.
i need to figure out what i'm doing next.
i haven't had la cuisine in almost 2 weeks. record.
bacardi breezers (lemon) are some of my other new friends.
cute boy = cuter than ever.
lately my dreams have been INSANELY random yet realistic.
i want to make pumpkin cheesecake this week.
the awkward boy at the cheese shop sold me ricotta, mozzarella, cream cheese AND brie for 50 shekels.
tomorrow morning i'm going to a lecture. haven't done that in a while.
don't be surprised if i turn into an avocado.
i'm still kind of in my own world more often than i'd like to be.
i miss you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

maple syrup or strawberries and whipped cream?

i'm totally making pancakes for breakfast. AND it's illana day! WOOOOOOOO!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

google is freekin mind-blowing. so are my new fuzzy socks.

tonight i was planning on going to my cousin's chanukah party in hashmonaim. i was pumped. to the max. i made chanukah cards, which were precious in case you doubted my card-making abilities. i was really looking forward to hanging with the fam. however, the award my work recently received was being presented to us tonight in herzliya. and my work paid for me to go... baaaaasically i was going. even though i wasn't really excited because a) i wanted some latkes, and b) i adore my cousin and every single member of my entire family in israel and it's rare that we get together, and c) tonight's ceremony was supposed to be conducted in hebrew. at least, that's what the last line on the invite said.

aaaaaanyway, tonight i took two buses, a train, three taxis and a car (thank you nurit!).... if only i had rollerblades i'd feel like i covered the bases. or a bicycle. just kidding, there are two massive mountain bikes that live in the living room. salon. whatever. but i don't wanna ride them becauuuuuse they scare me. back to tonight. i feel so dirty after all that transportation. but i'm home. clean. in my bed. in a sweatshirt and leggings that were right in the drawer they should've been in (i love when that happens!). o ya, and i'm also wearing new fuzzy socks that came in a pack of three. no really, i'm in love.

so tonight. we were fed. justin gave a phenomenal speech - in ENGLISH!! at the end he compared CLI to the shamash on the chanukiah, which was a really really cheesy-yet-awesome analogy. i took pictures. candles were lit. MEAT was served. MEAT was consumed. and then the keynote speaker began. mr. google israel. he was ridiculously inspiring and pretty brilliant and basically i felt like a superstar just being in the same room as this guy. not kidding. the subjects, the technology, the stories, the methods, the words he spoke, the messages he conveyed, the passion he displayed (i made a rhyyyme) - it was all incredible. he showed some really neat stuff, like google insights (which was created in tel aviv! and which i never knew existed).... and then a pic of a cow came on the screen. that's when i started feeling nauseous for the meat i'd just consumed. it was like the cow was talking to me. there was a serious point to the cow slide, but i didn't hear a word google man said. i was listening to the ethical conversation my brain was having with my stomach and my heart. yup, my guts chimed in, too. AH i hate those conversations. i don't even know how to explain the thoughts. it's like my entire body escapes the moment and just starts hardcore debating and feeling guilty and chastising itself. argh. ok point: google. is. awesome.

k now im home. this kosher thing is also starting to effect me. i mean it had been hours since dinner, and a girl's gotta eat like 4383489239023 times a day. normally i totally would've gone for yogurt or pasta or cereal when i got home.... however, i consciously thought about the meat thing and debated between pita and hummus or chips and salsa. obviously we know what i went for. ayayayayayayayayayayayay!

oh my life.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

red, white, green and blue

rarely is my plate colorful...terrible, i know... but i just made a super colorful, yummy lunch that made me just a bit homesick... complete with a veggie quesadilla, slices of red pepper and avocado, and nowwww i'm eating strawberry yogurt. absolutely amazingly delicious. i juuuuust wish there could've been some el fenix salsa to go with the quesadilla, and perhaps some dr pepper to drink :) actually i could find dr pepper at the convenience store down the road, but it's almost pointless.. there's the ice issue, and there's no mommy here to share it with :(
oh so blue.

Friday, December 11, 2009

chanukah sameach!

i just saw the most disturbing thing at one of my favorite places in all of jerusalem. . . none other than kadosh, the restaurant//bakery. some people like the sites, the history... i like the pastries. anyway, a dude behind the counter had a tattoo on the back of his neck. it said, skinhead. no joke. wtf. i bought a challah and ran away.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

cream cheese frosting and cab drivers who should die.

ok they shouldn't die. even when they almost kill me / undergo +-3 near-car accidents within a two-mile radius. no, they shouldn't die. but. they should NOT be allowed to smoke cigarettes when their cabs have NO SMOKING SIGNS ALL FREAKING OVER THEM. how is that ok? oh wait. it isn't.
one cab driver asked me last week if he could smoke three minutes prior to reaching my destination by saying "cigarettes, are this ok?" - and I responded, no, no, smoking is not ok. and he said, "okay, thank you. you know, you are right. cigarettes is bad." thank YOU, mr. considerate cab driver 2009. i wanted to hug him, even though he was super dirty looking and spoke fractured english. like, that was nice of him to at least ASK since i am paying him right? this afternoon, i had just gotten my hair cut, i had a ton of groceries, and cabbed it home rather than freezing carrying groceries on a half-hour walk. of course it's like, 4:45 and there's TRAFFIC, and he totally tries to rip me off since i'm american. but i told him to put the meter on, and halfway back, stuck at a red light, he just lights up without a care in the world. the back windows didn't work so i couldn't breathe. and now, my once-clean hair reeeeks of cancer. i was not very happy. but then walking into my apt., my favorite security officer michal, who was transfered about 2 weeks ago and i seriously miss seeing her every morning, was sitting inside at the desk. i was SO excited and was like, i miss you! are you back!? and she said, no, just right now i sit here. how are you honey? "good! how are you?" good. have good night, you see very beautiful!

beautiful-seeing me shall shower now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

wishin on stars

israel and i have a love-hate relationship. i'm in love. and israel hates. ohhhh my my my.

Friday, December 4, 2009

tel aviv day


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

mutha fucking brr


how i know it's winter in jerusalem:

the flip-flop and fedora displays that lined the streets just weeks ago have been replaced with winter hats/beanies, scarves and boots.
my ears hurt.
the water takes forever to heat up and unless the dud stays on for like, an HOUR, the water gets freezing before it's time to rinse my shampoo :(
sufganiot are everywhere.
i look like rudolph once i get inside :O(

UM have you read the details article about the rise of the hot jewish woman? you gotta. but personally, i like this one. amen, sista.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

shavua tov

to u.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

bahhh cant sleep.

my mind is running running running and i cannot stand it!!! the sun is coming uppppp

Thursday, November 19, 2009


so it's a little chilly out. more like it's a lot chilly in my apartment. brrrrrrrrrrrrhrhrhrhrrrr! i could not move this morning it was so cold! i guess it's time to replace the fan with the heater. hrm. i'm really glad today's thursday. like, whoa. amazing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

tupac is alive

um today at the convenience store, california love was playing on the radio. hahaha

Monday, November 9, 2009


i can't believe tammy is married!!! what! being in dallas has been so much fun - but it's going by far too quickly. ze lo beseder. however, part of the time has felt almost israeli, because of all the hebrew, israeli music and the abundance of israelis at tammy and adam's wedding! a few pieces of israel throughout the weekend:
1. at the henna party, which took place in the reception room at chabad of dallas, i look over and see a hardcore israeli man smoking a cigarette. in the room. i just kinda shrug it off but then do a doubletake and am like uhhhh we're in america. this isn't allowed here. but nobody stopped him. but he got a LOT of looks from the amerikaim in attendance!
2. all the israeli songs i hear on the radio were played at the wedding. the meaning was deep, with only israelis on the dance floor jumping around with full force.. even tammy in her wedding dress!!! bouncing princess!!
3. challah and salt.
4. all the accents and the ma pitoms goin on.
5. #$%^&**^%%#@$%%^%&&&^%$%#@%%^&


Friday, October 30, 2009

hug me

it's 5:22 am. i woke up yesterday at 8:17, after falling asleep at 4:50-something two nights ago. and def got zero sleep the night before. i'm kind of running on low. i'm currently sitting underneath a row of two pay phones, to use the only electrical outlet in the vicinity of gate C3 at ben-gurion airport. it's storming. people keep staring at me. i'm hungry. and the almond thingie i bought tastes far more like butter than almonds. if i wanted butter, i could've bought some, thanks. my eyes are heavy. no one's speaking english. and i'm waiting to board a flight from tel aviv to madrid. and the only way my computer will stay on is if i position myself exactly right so my bag rests against the plug and adapter, bc this lone little outlet sucks ass. and wouldn't you know, my macbook is so ill it only lasts about 20 minutes or so before it dies. i kinda wanna charge my ipod but im scared to move. oh well. takin the chance.

shit man. it's charging. however, as i was attempting to carefully move, one of those little airport cars came about... no- literally- 6 inches from running over my left foot when the yarmulke-wearing smirk-bearing driver decided to park RIGHT in front of me/the pay phones. i jumped so high. wtf. who does that. i almost hit my head. and WHO wears skintight capri pants and stilletos to fly. like, i don't get some of these, it's really hard to be a germaphone in this country.

cool, boarding now. iberia air, here i come. somebody hug me. please.
the sun is rising. but i'm tired of sunrises, i think i need a sunset - not the opposite. yar. guess i'm not goin to boston. AAH can't i close my eyes, and wake up in the usa, preferably being hugged? and with a sunset. bvakasha.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my life here is nuts

but the good kinda nuts. like honey-roasted almonds or honey-sesame cashews. ya knowwww.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

dear miley

dear miley, crazy and famous do not rhyme.

i miss capcap!!!

This morning was a lil crazy, and I wound up taking a taxi to work (due to lack of time, not because I have a huge headache and it felt like it was 90-something degrees out)....... I'm standing there, waiting, and a taxi going the other direction looks at me and asks if I need one, and he motions that he'll turn around. Meanwhile, two more taxis go by in my direction, but being the nice lil texan i am, i just let them go and wait for the dude who turned around just for me. Of course he has absolutely NO idea where Ben Maimon Street is (where I work like, 10 minutes away)... and speaks in Hebrew 1,000 km / millisecond (hey look at me, all metric now!)... not that i'd be able to understand him if he spoke slowly, though... and he also spoke the least amount of English of any cab driver i've encountered in my time here. why does this kinda stuff happen to me like, evvery day? taxi drivers have no idea where i wanna go about 50% of the time, and generally i actually know where i wanna go and can tell them (i learned driving directions in ulpan.. WOOO) - but sometimes they go a completely different way than the route i know, so it's difficult to tell them smoleh o yamina when you have no idea what street you're on and the surrounding streets are one ways....... plus you're on a meter and they're driving around aimlessly, stopping to ask people where the destination is, and they don't know, either, and you're like OMG why didn't i just walk. anyway, i got there fine today.

in other news, somehow it got super nice outside. it's gorgeous. but i'm at the computer because i have about eight tasks to accomplish before friday. ready?
design/compile a 100-page press kit (this is almost finished, actually, baruch ha'shem)
create three new homepage images for the website
go through our website content / update it
compile the roi november newsletter
figure out / conduct this featured member profile bit
update my job description
outline my performance goals, learning goals and professional development goals for the next 3 months
start thinking about a gift from roi to birthright/others
shit man, eight was a good guess.
i also have to pack, perhaps get my work permit, find some fun presents to take back and probably some other stuff like, have fun or something!

anyways, im gonna get back to work and drink my limonana blee nana (personally i think mint in lemonade is disgusting). would esponda for LML be a good trade? hypothetically speaking?

i need a hypershot!!! do other people quote stuff from 8th grade or just me? hmmmmmm

Thursday, October 22, 2009

naked muffins

yesterday i was kinda stressed out, and since retail therapy isn't particularly the smartest (or most financially-friendly/convenient/productive/uplifting(the clothes here are kinda ugly and they're all really expensive)/probable) option, i decided to bake. pumpkin muffins it would be.

my mom makes them into bars, and they are topped with the most unbelievable cream cheese frosting known throughout history. (like, check the books.) however, i could not find powdered sugar anywhere, so this frosting could not be attempted. therefore, the muffins are tasty but naked. and i want frosting. and i'm sad.

on a happier note, we had a "gathering" last night for CLI in honor of the president's conference that's going on. it was so fun! likely because i met some really fun new people, and got to see some super exciting familiar faces - it's like, kind of awesome to have so many of your favorite people in one place. and kind of awesome to know that even the people you don't know are probably pretty cool too since they associate with the ones you do know. and lauren came!!! and i hadn't seen her in ages. so that was exciting in itself! but she left me around 10ish. buttt i made new friends so it's ok  :)

one of the funniest parts of the night was when this super nice guy from presentense introduced himself to me, and i'm like aw actually we've met (like 4 times, but whatever)... and he was like, wait, you were in my session at ROI... but wasn't your hair lighter? and i'm like uhhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh. (seriously, what?) then, my hilarious coworker from mexico who i love to pieces takes my hair and is like, ohmygosh, it is darker! i like it.. when did you do this? and i'm like... when i was home... a month ago... hahahahaha MEN. i just remembered this because as i am sitting here, the IT guy at work who comes in once every couple months just asked me if my hair is darker. it's really dark, huh? oops.

i cannot believe i am going home AGAIN, a week from tomorrow! WTF!!!!! cannot wait! what should i be for halloween?

from nightmares and nausea to dreams and butterflies

love it :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

five random things

last night.. i couldnt even get an ansaaaa. ok, not where i was going, but that diddy keyshia cole number seems to be quite popular on my ipod.

I MISS GINGEE!!!! and Cappuccino. Definitely miss Cappuccino more than anything on the planet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

sunday funday

kinda. only 2 of us at work today... what? crazy! on my way to get lunch, i passed the following:
  • a nun
  • 4 near-car accidents
  • a monk
  • 10+ haredim
  • a kid on rollerblades
  • a supercute dog
  • 11+ cats
  • 2 kittens. aw
which, may not seem so nuts... however, this was all within a 5-minute walk. ohhhh rechavia.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

welcome to israel part 398409849023902490429042902409

i haven't had one of those days in a while, one that makes people chuckle and say, "welcome to israel." at least, i think it's been a while but it's tough to tell since i've been in america for three weeks. anyway, today was what i call the day from hell. others call it life in jerusalem.

since my return to the holy land, i've been sick. really sick. fever, stuffy, sniffly, sneezy, throat-on-fire, earaches, pounding-head, body-ache, raspy-voice, coughaholic sick. i sound like a man. and a nyquill commercial. cool. also, important background info: i've been super jet-lagged. it was my fault after i got home at 2 am last week and just stayed awake til work.. then came home at 6 pm and slept til like, 11 am the next day, no joke. i've been nocturnal since i got here, really bad.

i was actually planning on sleeping last night. i set 5 alarms (wakeup issues accompany jetlag and flulike symptoms like whoa).... 3 on one cell phone, 1 on another, 1 on my ipod, and then i remembered my dad had offered me this old-school windup alarm clock that he promised would wake me up, and he packed it in my suitcase. so around 1am, i reset the clock, set the alarm and plugged it in. two minutes later it smelled a little funny. before i could figure out what it was, there was some ticking and then a HUGE POP, i jumped out of my skin and i yelped as ALL the power went out in my apartment. how i didn't wake up my roommate and his gf, i will never know. i stumbled to the kitchen where we keep the matches, totally burned my finger while holding up the match looking for a candle, went to the fuse box and turned all the power back on. whew. then i called my dad to apologize for killing his vintage alarm clock, and he was kind of sad but then decided to start talking about my future and destiny in life. sorry dad, my heart was racing, the room reaked of burned electricity and that conversation just wasnt gonna happen.

there was no way i was going to sleep after my near-heart attack. finally around 4am today, i'm like, alright, i have an appointment at 9 am (the final appointment in a series that started in FEBRUARY), and then a doctor's appointment at 10:45. if i nap now, i'll feel like death when i wake up, if i even wake up (i always feel sickest after waking up)... so i decided to just stay awake. my brain wasn't really functioning so i was not exactly productive for the next four hours... but i left around 8:15 am cause i needed to pick up a paper at my office for the appointment. i got to the office and discovered the appointment wasn't until 9:30. woooooo there was gonna be time to eat something. it had been a while since i'd done that. so i walked the mile back downtown, sneezing and sweating and chills and wanting to die, 75 degrees my ass

i rrrreally wanted the waffle place to be open. but it wasn't.
so i turned around and went to this new place i saw on the way. it was closed.
i walked back toward the waffle place and saw an open door to this cafe i've always wanted to try. i'm the only one in the place and the three israeli men working bring me an english menu and start chatting me up, and i'm like please get me out of here. so i ask for a croissant to go (the only item on the menu that wouldn't have to be prepared). BUT, they're out of croissants.
so i leave. it's already 9 by this point, so i head toward the ministry of the interior, misrad hap'nim, a little place i like to call hell. i was so excited to see this AMAZING place across the street was open, and i grabbed the most delicious pastry i think i've ever eaten in my life. i'll spare the details on the yumminess because i've realized that the people on the food network sound really really stupid when commenting on food. plus i haven't even gotten to the day-from-hell part.

i go in through the security and immediately feel like i need to take a shower. i hate this place. think DMV, but israeli style. i hear like seven different languages, smell twelve different strains of body odor, see people of all shapes, sizes and colors, and finally get to the staircase. WHOA really dizzy. some water would be good. tooo bad, i dont have any. (i know, me without a bottle of water is seriously rare, so you know i'm sick). i'm actually early (again, highly unlikely for healthy michelle), so i try to find a place to stand against the wall because all the seats were filled. the asian woman behind me decided it'd be fun to like, get on top of me. why did i wear a tank top, feeling another person's sweat is absolutely disgusting. i try to move but i'm trapped between the wall, sweaty asian woman and hair, curly, curly hair of the woman in front of me. what to do. curly's name is called and she walks away. thank g-d. ok my turn. ati, the woman who i've seen five times now looks at me like she's never seen me before. i say hi, how are you, happy new year, and she says, how can i help you. i'm like uhh i was supposed to bring you my birth certificate so i can get my work permit.
what? what is your passport?
uh, my passport.. is my passport? here?
typing typing typing.... flipping through papers.... tapping 3-foot long nails with rhinestones on them against the desk....
ehhhh it looks like we did not get answer from jewish agency. the police answer, everything ok. but rega.
AH rega, israel's favorite word. (it means wait)
Ati begins to look through every. single. piece. of. paper. on. her. desk. (her desk kinda looks like world war iii, not that i should be talking...). she is pulling out files of all these other people. what does she think, this thing she's looking for for me is gonna be stuck in someone else's folder? cool.
ehhh yes. no answer. ehhhh, if you want, i can send it again and when they get back to me i call you.
do you know when that will be?
no. maybe the day after tomorrow? maybe next week or the week after?
well, i'd really like to be able to get my work permit as soon as possible (seeing as though my job is almost over.)
ehhhh rega. ok if you like, i give you the paper and you take to jewish agency yourself. you bring it back before 12, and i give you your permit today.
great!! that would be great. but i have a doctor's appointment and am not sure i'll be back before 12.
so you bring it tomorrow or the day after and i give you.
oooook. so where do i go?

if you're still reading this i commend you. if not, i sympathize, cause i can't write anymore. to be continued.


my new year's resolution is to blog every single day i have left in israel, since i've royally sucked at this blogging thing since i've been here. so bear with me - if you know me well, you know i have serious issues with the word "done."
i feel like i'm never finished. there's always re-checking and re-doing and re-thinking and there's always room to make things better. which is why i decided not to be a writer. my senior paper revolved around the topic of writing - is anything ever finished? the weeks of research concluded that appaaaarently this is a common obstacle many writers face. however, rather than comforting me that i'm not alone in my finishphobia, i realized writing would not be the career for me. too. much. pressure. not. enough. time. being a perfectionist blows. ok so, i'm really going to try to tackle this thing daily, so bear with me puhlease. thanks!

happy new year chaverim

Sunday, May 10, 2009

pass da kleenex

not the easiest of weeks.. or weekends.. and i have a slight lil feeling this week is gonna be even harder...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

weekend weekbegin

some things i love about israel........

the beach
all the artsy judaica stores
how the whole country observes holidays
it's kiinda pretty
my fam
my apartment
yoplait is so much better here. omg. the strawberry cheesecake is like, freakin unbelievable.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

shabbating it

i just had the most relaxing 24 hours. my roommate went to tel aviv for shabbat and i was here, all aloooone. well, except for my laundry, which has been keeping me company since 4 pm on friday (the last load is presently in the dryer). AHHHHH IM NEVER DOING LAUNDRY AGAIN! ok i have a feeling that isn't true. i like clean clothes. however, for my next laundry escapades i really wanna find some dryer sheets. i cannot find them ANYWHERE! what's a girl gotta do to get some bounce around here? seriously.

so this was the first shabbat i've had by myself in the new apartment. since virtually everything's closed on shabbat here, there's not much to do - especially when you're living in an apartment full of religious girls who you happen to like and respect (which i did, very much so, therefore i did not use my computer, talk on the phone, shower, cook, etc...)... so, for the most part, i observed shabbat fully while in the apartment - and most saturdays if i needed to get some work done, i'd walk around the corner to my office, and work (and use the microwave and toaster and fridge and telephone.. if only the office had a shower...) i did this on many occassions, except there was that one time when i walked up one saturday and heard the alarm going off and apparently scared off the burglars who had just broken in. they didn't take anything, shockingly, since my digital camera was like, out in plain sight... so maybe i really did scare them away... but the alarm scared me away - i called my boss and got the hell outta there. the fact we were one of 8 break-ins in rechavia that night is pretty scary. cats crawled through the broken glass door and took over our office. THAT was scary, too. the chairs were DISGUSTINGLY covered in cat hair the next day. EW. i never went back to the office on shabbat after that.

so, back to the present. this shabbat, i did laundry. i showered. i blow-dried my hair. i did more laundry. i listened to music. i spent a while playing around on my computer. i caught up on some work. i COOKED! on shabbat. i cannot explain how nice it is to feel comfortable in a place of my "own." not that i didn't feel at home at the other apt., but i was always really cautious/overtly paranoid that i might offend someone, leading to roommate tension or broken friendships or them throwing me back out on da street. i loved that apartment. and there was something really special about keeping shabbat. really. it was challenging, but i really enjoyed it. however, i don't think fully observing shabbat is for me. at least not right now. or maybe ever.

anyway, when you aren't "subletting" or worried about breaking rules, it's a really comforting feeling. this morning, err, afternoonish, i ALMOST felt israeli cause i made such a delicious breakfast. i made an omelette and used our brand new cheese grater (actually i think i got a little grater-happy... it was my first time.. yeah. i just wrote that.) and the deliciously almost-american tasting MILD cheddar cheese that i got from the cheese man at the shuk. the first time i asked if they had cheddar, and the man was like, "no. i do not hev sheddar today. but for you, for you with the pretty eyes, i hev sheddar." spare me. please. anyway, i was really excited to get familiar tasting sheddar. with my omelette, i cut up some red bell peppers, cucumber and carrot, and had some hummus and pita AND juice AND fruit. israeli style, right? i really felt proud. you have no idea.

laundry's done. YESSSSSSSSSS

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

happy earth day, children of israel
"What is the use of a house
if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"
Henry David Thoreau

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change
the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Saturday, April 18, 2009


yesterday i went to tel aviv to reunite with a long lost bbyo friend, hilla. i took the sheirut with my friendly roommate jon and when we reached the bus station we went our separate ways. i then got on a city bus (sorry dad), bus 5, to get to dizengof center. arriving at dizengof center was a bit eerie, since i walked in, took one look around the mall, realized it's the mall i'd been to with birthright, and knew my way around far better than i know the back of my hand. who knows the back of their hand, anyway? whatever. i visit a mall once, i know it for life. sick. it's just a thing i've always had.
ok, so i was going to meet hilla at castro, which is a trendy clothing store and i figured i'd do some browsing since they have GREAT accessories. this castro is different than all others, as it's 3 stories (women, men, kids) and is absolutely beautiful! it kinda reminds me of express actually, a lot. so i'm browsing... of course a little t-shirt catches my eye and i fall in lust. i pick it up, decide to try it on and before i know it, lust turns into love. clothes in israel are pretty gosh darn expensive. i mean it probably doesn't seem like much, but this little black shirt cost 125 shekel, which is like $30ish. i have a shopping problem. i LOVE buying stuff, but generally ONLY if it's on sale. this is to rationalize with myself that it's okay to buy something cause if i'd paid full price for it, i'd be out way more money.. soooo if it costs more than $20, i generally walk away. if i'm still thinking about the item a week later, i'll go back to the store, and if they have my size, i try it on again and see how i feel. if they don't have my size, then i know we just weren't meant to be. sigh. i have such serious issues. anyway... back to castro. sadly, i knew what i had to do and folded up the precious lil tshirt and moved onto the shoes. 
hilla calls and we embrace in the middle of the store. she says "you look the exact same!" and i'm like... so do you.. and then we leave and go on our way. 
we head toward the arts and crafts fair, which is every tuesday and friday morning in tel aviv. as we walk, we're talking and catching up, and all of a sudden some girl goes, heyyyy! and i look closely and am thinking, gee, this face looks awfully familiar. then i pick up a bit of hebrew and hear hilla say, lachazor meeshell? m'bbg? and i realize DAMN it's INBAR! i went to iltc with this girl, too, she was in my dorm, hadn't seen her in 8 years, either... Inbar is very tall and has a perfect figure and pretty blue eyes, and at iltc she had really short hair and seemed very attitudey.. i was kinda scared to talk to her back then. anyway, now she's got really long hair and is in med school and as hilla said, "she's just one of those perfect people.. she's supersmart, but she's like a barbie doll." I could not belieeeeeve we ran into her!   
we keep walking. i tell hilla i really want to decorate my apt. and she's like oooh i know a place. it's at the shuk here, you can get pictures/art for the walls so cheap! they're like 5 for 50 shekel. and i'm like, PERFECT! then she asks me about where i've been living, and before i can explain the whole subletting story, another girl stops hilla and says HEY! and hilla's like omg. and i look at this girl, who's with her mom, and immediately i'm like holy shit.. it's Inbal.. another girl from my dorm at iltc that year. so weird. if i hadn't been with hilla, there's no way i would've recognized these girls... crrrazy!!
then we go to the shuk.. it's a lot like jerusalem but i feel like it's a tad (not much, but a tiny, tiny, tiny bit) more organized. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

oh jerusalem.

if i don’t have a working stove/oven/kitchen by this evening, april 13, there will be seriously massive hell to pay. are you listening claire? michel? david? everyone involved? passover is difficult year after year. but passover without a kitchen? HA. like, it’s proposterous. unfathomable. undoable. impossible. I was hoping it’d be the kind of impossible like in the Cinderella musical where the precious lil fairy godmother does her thing and impossible things are happening evvvvv…vvvvvvv…….rrrryyyyy dayyyyyyyyyy.
the appliances actually came six days ago, well, by that, i mean all the appliances except the fridge. they had no idea we’d ordered a fridge. how were they supposed to know we’d ordered a fridge when it was clearly marked on the delivery sheet? nothing is easy here. by now, it’s to the point where generally i’ll just laugh when stuff like this happens because it’s so typical here. but it’s PASSOVER and i COOK thankyouverymuch. HOW can you make a kugel or cheesecake or matzah meal pancakes or matza brei or matza pizza without ANY FRIDGE to keep your ingredients in or any oven or stove to cook them in/on? somebody please, please, please help :( Last night I went back to Casa de Yael and Tali (and now Ayala)… I sort of was planning on sneaking in, putting my stuff down, running to the store and then having a romantic reunion with the oven I used all of thrice in 2 months (if you know me, you know this is in no way even CLOSE to close to remotely near normal), or maybe the stove (which i actually used quite a bit, i eat a shitload of omelettes here. gotta get that PROTINE). Anyway, the washer, dryer, oven and stove have been sitting in boxes for almost a week, because the delivery people don’t install them because that would just make too much sense, ya know? and apparently there is some law that we are not allowed to install them / insurance liability or something. but, our go-to girl for the apartment said we could hook up the oven ourselves. my dear roommate left me all alone the other day, so i attempted to pick up the oven out of the box and in turn felt like a weak, weak loser and on top of it, i somehow cut my thumb really deeply - in three different places. well, three and a half actually, all like, worse than papercuts. i dont think it was from the box though, i honestly think it was from part of the oven. hopefully my tetanus vaccine is still rocking. OW. mother of G-D.
moving right along… sorry, this is quite the rant here…

Monday, March 23, 2009


shuk. claustrophobic. sheeeeesh. worst. experience. but. so. funny.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


frosted... corn... bran.... coconut... regardless, flakiness=not cool. nuh uh nuh uh

Saturday, March 21, 2009



natural highs:
warm towels
blue bell ice cream (or marble slab sweet cream with strawberries... omg.)
listening to the rain when you can stay cozy in bed watching movies all day!
supersoft blankets
wildcats win.
fresh-baked cookies
bubble baths
hot sheets just outta the dryer :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


like ice.

Monday, March 16, 2009


hi, world! this is a blog. of my very own. and it's not for class this time :P i have been under some immense pressure to begin filling your lives with mush mush mush, blog-style, so i decided today would be the day. pretty exciting! break out the popcorn... or you're welcome to share some of my pomegranate seeds. they are delicious and have a very short shelf life. oh pondering pomegranates at 2 am.

mmmmmmm. bedtime.
updates will be much more exciting and comprehensive in the future, promise!
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