Thursday, October 22, 2009

naked muffins

yesterday i was kinda stressed out, and since retail therapy isn't particularly the smartest (or most financially-friendly/convenient/productive/uplifting(the clothes here are kinda ugly and they're all really expensive)/probable) option, i decided to bake. pumpkin muffins it would be.

my mom makes them into bars, and they are topped with the most unbelievable cream cheese frosting known throughout history. (like, check the books.) however, i could not find powdered sugar anywhere, so this frosting could not be attempted. therefore, the muffins are tasty but naked. and i want frosting. and i'm sad.

on a happier note, we had a "gathering" last night for CLI in honor of the president's conference that's going on. it was so fun! likely because i met some really fun new people, and got to see some super exciting familiar faces - it's like, kind of awesome to have so many of your favorite people in one place. and kind of awesome to know that even the people you don't know are probably pretty cool too since they associate with the ones you do know. and lauren came!!! and i hadn't seen her in ages. so that was exciting in itself! but she left me around 10ish. buttt i made new friends so it's ok  :)

one of the funniest parts of the night was when this super nice guy from presentense introduced himself to me, and i'm like aw actually we've met (like 4 times, but whatever)... and he was like, wait, you were in my session at ROI... but wasn't your hair lighter? and i'm like uhhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh. (seriously, what?) then, my hilarious coworker from mexico who i love to pieces takes my hair and is like, ohmygosh, it is darker! i like it.. when did you do this? and i'm like... when i was home... a month ago... hahahahaha MEN. i just remembered this because as i am sitting here, the IT guy at work who comes in once every couple months just asked me if my hair is darker. it's really dark, huh? oops.

i cannot believe i am going home AGAIN, a week from tomorrow! WTF!!!!! cannot wait! what should i be for halloween?

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