Wednesday, December 9, 2009

cream cheese frosting and cab drivers who should die.

ok they shouldn't die. even when they almost kill me / undergo +-3 near-car accidents within a two-mile radius. no, they shouldn't die. but. they should NOT be allowed to smoke cigarettes when their cabs have NO SMOKING SIGNS ALL FREAKING OVER THEM. how is that ok? oh wait. it isn't.
one cab driver asked me last week if he could smoke three minutes prior to reaching my destination by saying "cigarettes, are this ok?" - and I responded, no, no, smoking is not ok. and he said, "okay, thank you. you know, you are right. cigarettes is bad." thank YOU, mr. considerate cab driver 2009. i wanted to hug him, even though he was super dirty looking and spoke fractured english. like, that was nice of him to at least ASK since i am paying him right? this afternoon, i had just gotten my hair cut, i had a ton of groceries, and cabbed it home rather than freezing carrying groceries on a half-hour walk. of course it's like, 4:45 and there's TRAFFIC, and he totally tries to rip me off since i'm american. but i told him to put the meter on, and halfway back, stuck at a red light, he just lights up without a care in the world. the back windows didn't work so i couldn't breathe. and now, my once-clean hair reeeeks of cancer. i was not very happy. but then walking into my apt., my favorite security officer michal, who was transfered about 2 weeks ago and i seriously miss seeing her every morning, was sitting inside at the desk. i was SO excited and was like, i miss you! are you back!? and she said, no, just right now i sit here. how are you honey? "good! how are you?" good. have good night, you see very beautiful!

beautiful-seeing me shall shower now.

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