Thursday, December 17, 2009

google is freekin mind-blowing. so are my new fuzzy socks.

tonight i was planning on going to my cousin's chanukah party in hashmonaim. i was pumped. to the max. i made chanukah cards, which were precious in case you doubted my card-making abilities. i was really looking forward to hanging with the fam. however, the award my work recently received was being presented to us tonight in herzliya. and my work paid for me to go... baaaaasically i was going. even though i wasn't really excited because a) i wanted some latkes, and b) i adore my cousin and every single member of my entire family in israel and it's rare that we get together, and c) tonight's ceremony was supposed to be conducted in hebrew. at least, that's what the last line on the invite said.

aaaaaanyway, tonight i took two buses, a train, three taxis and a car (thank you nurit!).... if only i had rollerblades i'd feel like i covered the bases. or a bicycle. just kidding, there are two massive mountain bikes that live in the living room. salon. whatever. but i don't wanna ride them becauuuuuse they scare me. back to tonight. i feel so dirty after all that transportation. but i'm home. clean. in my bed. in a sweatshirt and leggings that were right in the drawer they should've been in (i love when that happens!). o ya, and i'm also wearing new fuzzy socks that came in a pack of three. no really, i'm in love.

so tonight. we were fed. justin gave a phenomenal speech - in ENGLISH!! at the end he compared CLI to the shamash on the chanukiah, which was a really really cheesy-yet-awesome analogy. i took pictures. candles were lit. MEAT was served. MEAT was consumed. and then the keynote speaker began. mr. google israel. he was ridiculously inspiring and pretty brilliant and basically i felt like a superstar just being in the same room as this guy. not kidding. the subjects, the technology, the stories, the methods, the words he spoke, the messages he conveyed, the passion he displayed (i made a rhyyyme) - it was all incredible. he showed some really neat stuff, like google insights (which was created in tel aviv! and which i never knew existed).... and then a pic of a cow came on the screen. that's when i started feeling nauseous for the meat i'd just consumed. it was like the cow was talking to me. there was a serious point to the cow slide, but i didn't hear a word google man said. i was listening to the ethical conversation my brain was having with my stomach and my heart. yup, my guts chimed in, too. AH i hate those conversations. i don't even know how to explain the thoughts. it's like my entire body escapes the moment and just starts hardcore debating and feeling guilty and chastising itself. argh. ok point: google. is. awesome.

k now im home. this kosher thing is also starting to effect me. i mean it had been hours since dinner, and a girl's gotta eat like 4383489239023 times a day. normally i totally would've gone for yogurt or pasta or cereal when i got home.... however, i consciously thought about the meat thing and debated between pita and hummus or chips and salsa. obviously we know what i went for. ayayayayayayayayayayayay!

oh my life.

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