Tuesday, September 29, 2009


my new year's resolution is to blog every single day i have left in israel, since i've royally sucked at this blogging thing since i've been here. so bear with me - if you know me well, you know i have serious issues with the word "done."
i feel like i'm never finished. there's always re-checking and re-doing and re-thinking and there's always room to make things better. which is why i decided not to be a writer. my senior paper revolved around the topic of writing - is anything ever finished? the weeks of research concluded that appaaaarently this is a common obstacle many writers face. however, rather than comforting me that i'm not alone in my finishphobia, i realized writing would not be the career for me. too. much. pressure. not. enough. time. being a perfectionist blows. ok so, i'm really going to try to tackle this thing daily, so bear with me puhlease. thanks!

happy new year chaverim

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