Friday, October 30, 2009

hug me

it's 5:22 am. i woke up yesterday at 8:17, after falling asleep at 4:50-something two nights ago. and def got zero sleep the night before. i'm kind of running on low. i'm currently sitting underneath a row of two pay phones, to use the only electrical outlet in the vicinity of gate C3 at ben-gurion airport. it's storming. people keep staring at me. i'm hungry. and the almond thingie i bought tastes far more like butter than almonds. if i wanted butter, i could've bought some, thanks. my eyes are heavy. no one's speaking english. and i'm waiting to board a flight from tel aviv to madrid. and the only way my computer will stay on is if i position myself exactly right so my bag rests against the plug and adapter, bc this lone little outlet sucks ass. and wouldn't you know, my macbook is so ill it only lasts about 20 minutes or so before it dies. i kinda wanna charge my ipod but im scared to move. oh well. takin the chance.

shit man. it's charging. however, as i was attempting to carefully move, one of those little airport cars came about... no- literally- 6 inches from running over my left foot when the yarmulke-wearing smirk-bearing driver decided to park RIGHT in front of me/the pay phones. i jumped so high. wtf. who does that. i almost hit my head. and WHO wears skintight capri pants and stilletos to fly. like, i don't get some of these, it's really hard to be a germaphone in this country.

cool, boarding now. iberia air, here i come. somebody hug me. please.
the sun is rising. but i'm tired of sunrises, i think i need a sunset - not the opposite. yar. guess i'm not goin to boston. AAH can't i close my eyes, and wake up in the usa, preferably being hugged? and with a sunset. bvakasha.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my life here is nuts

but the good kinda nuts. like honey-roasted almonds or honey-sesame cashews. ya knowwww.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

dear miley

dear miley, crazy and famous do not rhyme.

i miss capcap!!!

This morning was a lil crazy, and I wound up taking a taxi to work (due to lack of time, not because I have a huge headache and it felt like it was 90-something degrees out)....... I'm standing there, waiting, and a taxi going the other direction looks at me and asks if I need one, and he motions that he'll turn around. Meanwhile, two more taxis go by in my direction, but being the nice lil texan i am, i just let them go and wait for the dude who turned around just for me. Of course he has absolutely NO idea where Ben Maimon Street is (where I work like, 10 minutes away)... and speaks in Hebrew 1,000 km / millisecond (hey look at me, all metric now!)... not that i'd be able to understand him if he spoke slowly, though... and he also spoke the least amount of English of any cab driver i've encountered in my time here. why does this kinda stuff happen to me like, evvery day? taxi drivers have no idea where i wanna go about 50% of the time, and generally i actually know where i wanna go and can tell them (i learned driving directions in ulpan.. WOOO) - but sometimes they go a completely different way than the route i know, so it's difficult to tell them smoleh o yamina when you have no idea what street you're on and the surrounding streets are one ways....... plus you're on a meter and they're driving around aimlessly, stopping to ask people where the destination is, and they don't know, either, and you're like OMG why didn't i just walk. anyway, i got there fine today.

in other news, somehow it got super nice outside. it's gorgeous. but i'm at the computer because i have about eight tasks to accomplish before friday. ready?
design/compile a 100-page press kit (this is almost finished, actually, baruch ha'shem)
create three new homepage images for the website
go through our website content / update it
compile the roi november newsletter
figure out / conduct this featured member profile bit
update my job description
outline my performance goals, learning goals and professional development goals for the next 3 months
start thinking about a gift from roi to birthright/others
shit man, eight was a good guess.
i also have to pack, perhaps get my work permit, find some fun presents to take back and probably some other stuff like, have fun or something!

anyways, im gonna get back to work and drink my limonana blee nana (personally i think mint in lemonade is disgusting). would esponda for LML be a good trade? hypothetically speaking?

i need a hypershot!!! do other people quote stuff from 8th grade or just me? hmmmmmm

Thursday, October 22, 2009

naked muffins

yesterday i was kinda stressed out, and since retail therapy isn't particularly the smartest (or most financially-friendly/convenient/productive/uplifting(the clothes here are kinda ugly and they're all really expensive)/probable) option, i decided to bake. pumpkin muffins it would be.

my mom makes them into bars, and they are topped with the most unbelievable cream cheese frosting known throughout history. (like, check the books.) however, i could not find powdered sugar anywhere, so this frosting could not be attempted. therefore, the muffins are tasty but naked. and i want frosting. and i'm sad.

on a happier note, we had a "gathering" last night for CLI in honor of the president's conference that's going on. it was so fun! likely because i met some really fun new people, and got to see some super exciting familiar faces - it's like, kind of awesome to have so many of your favorite people in one place. and kind of awesome to know that even the people you don't know are probably pretty cool too since they associate with the ones you do know. and lauren came!!! and i hadn't seen her in ages. so that was exciting in itself! but she left me around 10ish. buttt i made new friends so it's ok  :)

one of the funniest parts of the night was when this super nice guy from presentense introduced himself to me, and i'm like aw actually we've met (like 4 times, but whatever)... and he was like, wait, you were in my session at ROI... but wasn't your hair lighter? and i'm like uhhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh. (seriously, what?) then, my hilarious coworker from mexico who i love to pieces takes my hair and is like, ohmygosh, it is darker! i like it.. when did you do this? and i'm like... when i was home... a month ago... hahahahaha MEN. i just remembered this because as i am sitting here, the IT guy at work who comes in once every couple months just asked me if my hair is darker. it's really dark, huh? oops.

i cannot believe i am going home AGAIN, a week from tomorrow! WTF!!!!! cannot wait! what should i be for halloween?

from nightmares and nausea to dreams and butterflies

love it :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

five random things

last night.. i couldnt even get an ansaaaa. ok, not where i was going, but that diddy keyshia cole number seems to be quite popular on my ipod.

I MISS GINGEE!!!! and Cappuccino. Definitely miss Cappuccino more than anything on the planet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

sunday funday

kinda. only 2 of us at work today... what? crazy! on my way to get lunch, i passed the following:
  • a nun
  • 4 near-car accidents
  • a monk
  • 10+ haredim
  • a kid on rollerblades
  • a supercute dog
  • 11+ cats
  • 2 kittens. aw
which, may not seem so nuts... however, this was all within a 5-minute walk. ohhhh rechavia.
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