Monday, March 23, 2009


shuk. claustrophobic. sheeeeesh. worst. experience. but. so. funny.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


frosted... corn... bran.... coconut... regardless, flakiness=not cool. nuh uh nuh uh

Saturday, March 21, 2009



natural highs:
warm towels
blue bell ice cream (or marble slab sweet cream with strawberries... omg.)
listening to the rain when you can stay cozy in bed watching movies all day!
supersoft blankets
wildcats win.
fresh-baked cookies
bubble baths
hot sheets just outta the dryer :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


like ice.

Monday, March 16, 2009


hi, world! this is a blog. of my very own. and it's not for class this time :P i have been under some immense pressure to begin filling your lives with mush mush mush, blog-style, so i decided today would be the day. pretty exciting! break out the popcorn... or you're welcome to share some of my pomegranate seeds. they are delicious and have a very short shelf life. oh pondering pomegranates at 2 am.

mmmmmmm. bedtime.
updates will be much more exciting and comprehensive in the future, promise!
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